Belief is a Choice: Are You Exercising the Right Muscle?

God's ways are higher than our ways. I love studying His ways and teaching others about Him. I am in love with my husband. I have a Master's Degree in Missions and my Pilot License. (It took me three tries to spell license correctly.) I went through menopause in my twenties. We have one biological child and a child through embryo donation. When I delivered him, he weighed almost 11 lbs! Our son was diagnosed with a life threatening condition at 6 months of age and underwent 6 brain surgeries in the 12 months that followed. God saved His life with the help of amazing doctors! God is faithful through thick and thin and I long for His eminent return. My goal is to benefit you with information and perspective that will improve your life. Enjoy!

I had made the decision around Christmas this year that I was going to again jump into my business with both feet. Sure, I had been working my business and making a good income, but I was, personally, staying inside my “comfort zone” (which, ironically, wasn’t all that comfortable because it felt more like living out of a fear instead of comfort.) Many of you know exactly what I mean.

Despite, the income, I was not satisfied, there was still something significant that was lacking. I’m sure that each of us has felt, at times, that we are not satisfied or maybe even disappointed with how life is turning out. I certainly have felt that way. And I can tell you from personal experience, that if that’s where you are today, you are in one of the best places you could possibly be in. I know you might be thinking, did she really write “best places?” Yes, and that is because, despite what you have been told, desperation is a gift (see my post with the same title); because it gives us the motivation to make the changes necessary to improve our lives.

When I started my business (3.5 years ago) I did so because I was desperate to change my situation. I had been married for 7 years and was tired of fighting about money issues month after month.  When I found this opportunity, I could hardly believe in the enormous way in which God had answered my prayers. I had no trouble believing in the products (since I had seen dramatic results in a matter of days,) and I had no trouble believing in the opportunity with this company. What I found was hard, was not business, but life.  Life isn’t always easy even though you have found a great opportunity. My question for you is: How do you respond when you are faced with tough, unexpected circumstances? How do you respond when people close to you hurt or disappoint you?

I had 5 or 6 team leaders, whom I considered all close personal friends, quit our business (not because of business, but because of life) all at about the same time. Would you like to know how I responded? I’d love to tell you that it didn’t phase me, and I just continued my courageous efforts right to the top of life, but the truth is, I was hurt, and afraid of getting hurt again; so I withdrew emotionally.  Anybody else, ever do that? I didn’t quit (even though I considered it.) I didn’t quit doing business, but I subconsciously decided I wanted to succeed without putting myself on the line again.  I was making money off my individual sales, but my impact on people waned. I stopped willing people to join my team, because I was afraid of investing in them and having my efforts be for naught.  I began to doubt if I could build a team like other people I knew. This emotional reticence left me feeling empty. I needed to know that I was making a significant difference in the lives of others, beyond great products. I understood that if I kept doing what I was doing, I was going to keep getting what I was getting; and I was not ok with that. I felt very dissatisfied and unfulfilled. My question for you is, what are you dissatisfied with? What circumstances would you change if you could? The feeling of desperation was the biggest gift to me because it gave me the motivation I needed to change.

So, I decided that I was going to put myself on the line for the sake of benefiting other people. Knowing that without risk, there is no reward, I couldn’t stand being where I was for one more minute. So, I decided to change. I changed my mind. I decided to stop “playing it safe” (which wasn’t safe at all, it was more like playing it stupid.)

Since then, I have gained friendships with some of the most amazing people, who have become very important to my organization as well. Yes, my business is growing, but even more importantly to me, I am growing and helping others to grow.

Now I have a question for you. Have you ever thought, “Maybe (insert person’s name) could be successful, but I don’t know about me”? Or, “Maybe they have something special, that I don’t have.” If we are all being honest, we all have had thoughts like those cross our minds. I want to share with you what helped me change my mind about those thoughts. At a recent conference, I saw something amazing. The most successful people in our industry were recognized on stage. There were people of all different physical attributes and ages, but surely, I thought, there is one consistent personality type that excels in business. Right? Surely, it’s the bubbly/friendly/salesperson type and not the analytical/organized/introvert. Right? No! All different personality types seemed to be equally represented, letting me know I don’t have to be a stand up comedian or an ultra Energetic Eileen to be successful. There was a common thread, however. Do you want to know what the single most important characteristic was? In a word, belief.  Not just belief the products, or belief in the company, but belief in themselves and belief in others.

Now some of you just thought, “If belief and self confidence is a key to success, well, that rules me out.” NO IT DOESN’T.

Here’s the BIG KEY that will give you success right were you are at.

Belief is a choice. That bears repeating. Belief is a choice!

Belief is a muscle we must exercise. Honestly, my belief muscle had atrophied. Many of us have become “out of shape” in the area of belief. We have exercised our fear muscle. And what we exercise does grow and becomes strong! And these two muscles, fear and belief, are in direct opposition to each other.

If you want to change your circumstances, you have to choose to change who you believe you are and what you are capable of achieving. If you want to change your ability to affect your circumstances, your family, your friends, or the world in a positive way, you have to choose to believe that you can. It may sound simple, and it is, but like exercise, what is simple often isn’t easy. It takes work. It takes repeated effort.

When you believe that people will want the products or services you have to offer, you won’t have to force yourself to pick up the phone. Our belief is the seed for our actions. Our fruits (our actions) are a direct result of what we believe.  When you believe that you can succeed, you will not only attempt everything your heart desires but you will keep going until you achieve everything your heart desires.  Belief never gives up. There is no failure when you believe; inevitable success is just a matter of time and ingenuity. Learn enough skills, and you will eventually get there, if you don’t give up.

Here are the rules to this:

#1. You don’t have to be Naïve. When we were kids, we thought that everything was possible, but we also thought it was going to be easy. When we face obstacles, do we remain true to our belief about what we can achieve or do we abandon our faith at the first sign of resistance?

#2. You don’t have to believe you are perfect. You are not. You can believe that you can succeed even though you are not perfect. If people had to be perfect to be successful, we wouldn’t have our iphones, or HDTV. Look at what imperfect people have achieved. You are no different.

#3. You don’t have to be a know it all. You will learn what you need along the way.

#4. You don’t have to be perfect at it the first time (or the hundredth time) Are you learning? That is the main thing. You will get it eventually, if you keep learning and trying. This happens naturally when you belief.

#5. Believe you can make mistakes and still achieve your goal.

#6. Believe it is not all up to you. One of my favorite scriptures states, “His strength is made perfect in my weakness.” I don’t have to do it all or be it all, I can succeed with the help of God and others.

Who else can you believe in? Believe in others; just follow the same rules as with yourself. They don’t have to be perfect to get the job done either.

You can make a difference! Choose to believe that you can. You have something great to offer the world, just as you are. Choose to believe that you have something great and unique to offer the world, you. You are becoming someone who has even more to offer others and the difference you will make in the lives of others will be astounding! Choose to believe that you are growing MORE able to help people in this world; therefore, study and practice hard so that you will do it!

So, what’s the next step? Grab a workout partner and start building those belief muscles!

God's ways are higher than our ways. I love studying His ways and teaching others about Him. I am in love with my husband. I have a Master's Degree in Missions and my Pilot License. (It took me three tries to spell license correctly.) I went through menopause in my twenties. We have one biological child and a child through embryo donation. When I delivered him, he weighed almost 11 lbs! Our son was diagnosed with a life threatening condition at 6 months of age and underwent 6 brain surgeries in the 12 months that followed. God saved His life with the help of amazing doctors! God is faithful through thick and thin and I long for His eminent return. My goal is to benefit you with information and perspective that will improve your life. Enjoy!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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